Wow. It wasn't until tonight that I realized what I slacker I have been. I'm going on almost 6 weeks with no new posts and hmmm...when was the last time I actually posted a picture? That's a question that I don't even have the patience to find the answer for because I'd have to go so far back in all of the posts! I think the technology gods have convened and decided to plague me with the curse of the cord. What is the deal? We no longer have a desktop, just two laptops. Mine, however has been battered and bruised by the children, during which, my power cord has been snapped in two...twice. In the same spot. After the first severing, we ordered another online. Once I finally got that, the cable that goes from my camera to my computer was no where to be found. Austin has since found my cable and ordered me a new power cord, but post-purchase decided to do a little more researching and realized that it's being shipped from Hong Kong or Taiwan or somewhere crazy like that, so it'll get here...NEVER! At least it feels that way. So, I've been without a computer for a little while, but no where near long enough to excuse such slackerish behavior on this blog! So, I'll try to be a little better. I'm using Austin's computer and I'm not sure what pictures he has on here, but I am bound and determined to post something. So, I'm going to peruse and I'm just as interested as you are (who am I kidding to think that someone else is interested...) to see what I come up with. Wish me luck...I'm going in.
Oh's been even longer than I thought. Not sure on the date, but these are the cupcakes I made from the (embarrassing) BYU vs. U of U game. At least we started hopeful....
And then I realized that I never posted Christmas! Someone slap me upside the head... Here are just a few of the kids.
Aunt Stephanie, Uncle Andy and Jennifer came out to ski and we met them up in Park City. Here's Jenny and the kiddos! Stephanie ran with the kids in circles around the hotel for about a half an hour! She's so great!
Two mellow guys....My grandpa Rader and Mr. Jack Jack. They were just cuddled up on the couch and Jack stayed there forever!
And, apparently this is what happens when you leave your camera just laying around for anyone to pick up on New Year's Eve! Serves you right, Moke!
"Come on down! You're the next contestant on The Price is Right!" Every year, my parents hold off on giving us our Christmas presents until New Year's Eve and then we have to win them on the Andrus Family Price is Right game! My mom goes all out and creates games from the show for each one of us to play! It can be pretty cheesy, but as you can see, we get genuinely excited about it all!
And...Happy New Year, 4 and a half months later! This is the best picture I got of the two of us...he wouldn't stop pulling faces!
So, there you have it folks. My attempt at doing something....anything! And, it'll be a little while before there's more because we are leaving in 4 days, 5 hours and 5 minutes to fly off to Cancun for a week with our best friends, Scott and Linda to celebrate our 10 year anniversaries! My, how time flies! We've been talking about taking a trip for our 10 yr. for hmmm....let's see now....ten years! We've been talking about it for so long, that I really can't believe that it's almost time! I am so excited to enjoy some lovely weather, no responsibility, food galore, beautiful oceans, sun, sun, sun and to have some uninterrupted time with the love of my life! Can't wait!
Weekly Meal Plan 2-23-25
1 day ago