Sunday, November 2, 2008

Did you have a nice trip? See you next fall!

Yeah, I'll bet you're expecting to hear some awesome story about someone biffin' it big time. Although I kind of (actually, I really) want to make one up right now, this post is actually just about the season fall. Sorry to disappoint. I just couldn't think of anything creative to call it, so I thought I'd throw you for a loop.
Gotcha (doubt it).

So, here's what we did to celebrate the fallness around here.

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We met up with my mom and brother to go to Noodles and Company before taking our annual trip to Gardner Village to see the witches.
My dude-alicious.

So, I left my camera at the table with my brother and kids while I went to go order. And, this is what I find when I download the pictures...some random girl! It's a cute picture, so if you know her, give her my email address....fat chance.
Paige getting caught preppin' to blow her straw wrapper across the table. Thanks for teaching them that one, Craig!:)

I realize this isn't the best one of Spence, but look at that little man in the back...gotta' eat him up!

Oh, now we're lookin'!

Chowin' down on their yummy mac and cheese. Seriously, what makes it so good?

Shove it in, sista!

Feelin' so big. He did NOT want to be fed and I came bibless, so my ingenious mom turned his shirt inside out and backwards. It's alright, after we changed it back, his back was only sticky for a couple of days!:)

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We're off to see the witches!

If anyone has four kids or more, you can appreciate this picture. Granted Spence isn't looking (the boy has a disease. Maybe a phobia. Who knows, but 99% of the time he cannot/will not look at the camera while getting his picture taken! So frustrating!), but the rest of them are actually looking and smiling! Miracles do happen's proof.

Okay, so he's makin' a liar out of me. Here's the 1%.

This witch was gettin' jiggy with it out in the little plaza.

What? I know I'm cool.

They decorate this place up so cute and clever! Love it. I wish I took more pictures of the witches! They're pretty creative!

The kids are enjoying their suckers from Afton's Sweet Shoppe. You'd think that if you were going to draw attention to the water with the witch in it, you'd try to clean the water up a little. In it there was garbage and pumpkins and moss and who knows what else! I was just praying that Spencer wouldn't try to get adventurous and get too close to the water, because from my distance, what could you do? Nothing. Luckily, I didn't have to worry about it!

My sister, Tiffany, organized the trip this year (thanks, Tiff!). These are our kids on the bridge minus her Peyton and my Jackers. From left to right Spencer, Nate, Paige, Talia, Kamae and Kami.

We had a blast up there, although it was super crowded. My other sister, Kristen, met up with us and apparently it took her a half an hour to get into the parking lot to park! Insane.

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Austin and I promised the kids that we would do something fun as a family over fall break. So, we went took them to go see Wall-E. In the past, attempts at movies in the theater with all four kids had been ridiculous, but this one actually went really well. I snuck in some Lunchables for each of the kids and some treats and drinks and they were all very content through the whole thing...including Jack! I left the theater having enjoyed myself rather than thinking why in the world did I spend money to be frustrated!?! After that, we headed to the library and then to the dreaded Chuck E. Cheese. We went to the one in Sandy which was refreshingly nicer than the one in Orem. It seemed cleaner and brighter, but I still think I used an entire bottle of hand sanitizer when we were there. I can't let myself think about the germs too much or I get the willies!!
Here are the munchkins in Chuck E. Cheese heaven:

And of course, October wouldn't be complete without carving pumpkins. The girls had a pumpkin carving contest at school later that week. I guess the stipulation was that they had to do it themselves and not use a pattern. So, they were insistent that they do theirs on their own. They didn't quite grasp the concept that just because they draw a picture on their pumpkin it doesn't mean that it will carve well and look like they want it to. They were a bit frustrated, but it all worked out. Even though their pumpkins didn't win, I think they felt accomplished for having done it all themselves!


Keri said...

Loved the long post! Your kids are getting so big. I miss seeing you! I especially like the pics at Gardner cute!!

Andrea Tao said...

This all looks like so much fun! I'm jealous. You are so good to take all your kids to do fun things!! That Gardener Village looks awesome! We'll have to go check it out next year.

Celeste said...

So fun! Your kids are so cute. But I'm dying to know what they were for Halloween!

ASRussell said...

what a fun break you guys had...thanks for inviting me...J/K Your kids are so stinkin cute and am glad they had so much fun!!!

Kim Simpson said...

I love gardner village. I have to take a trip there every time I am in Utah. I fully appreciate the picture you took. How can it possibly be that when it comes to pictures kids can never do anything at the same time. Oh and every time I hear the words
Chuck e cheese I shudder. I am pretty sure there should be a constant dark cloud over it holding all the germs that place emitts.

Heidi and Rich said...

Fun times - I am sure the kids loved every minute of it. We were bums and didn't even carve pumpkins. My kids adore Chuck E Cheese - we are holding out on them until Sam is totally potty trained. I love seeing pics of your kids even if they are not looking or smiling.