Thursday, September 20, 2007

Why did the chicken cross the road?

Chicken Crossing Road
Originally uploaded by Kier42
So, we were driving to school today and there was a chicken crossing the road. (No joke.) I was with Spencer and Kamae and her two friends that are in Kindergarten. I didn't expect any of them to catch my joke, but I said, "Hey guys, there's a chicken! Why did the chicken cross the road?" After they all crank their necks to see it, they all start making jokes about that being a joke and there really was a chicken crossing the road. Hee hee! Then, Spencer, who I didn't think was catching any of it, said, "Chicken? In the road? Why did the chicken cross the road? Oh, I get it. It's a joke, huh, mom?" and then proceeds to fake laugh. Aahh, these kids are growing up too fast and they're much smarter than I give them credit for!


Heidi and Rich said...

Don't you love the fake laughs two year olds give. I think it is the cutest. Especially when they laugh at their own jokes.

Kim Simpson said...

way cute blog. It is so easy. One of my friends told be about shabby tulips site. Theirs stopped working and someone else posted the matiekay site as one that worked better. I got the music stuff just from all my blog hopping. I guess all that wasted time did come in handy!

Sarah Anne said...

Yay! I can leave a post now. I haven't been able to since you started. I love reading your blog. That's so funny about really seeing a chicken crossing the road. Spencer sounds like a funny, funny kid.
Nolan shared this the other day, "What's a cow's favorite activity? Going to the moooovies?" What five year old says "activity"?
We'll blink and they'll be going to Prom. Stop growing!

Tiffany said...

totally! Spencer is a doll! A heman doll of course! I would never have thought that a 3 year old would have gotten that, I guess there really is a big difference between 2 and 3 years old! Nate would have never gotten that.