Sunday, October 28, 2007

Show off!

I've been very blessed to have had babies that would hold their own bottles, but I'm not sure how many of them mastered the one-handed grasp!

Look who's standing!

I think this is the earliest any of my kids have started pulling themselves up to stand (he's 7 1/2 months)....I know, I'm in big trouble! By the way, my favorite parts of this picture are 1) Kamae peeking through the crib slats...she was standing in front of Jack and I asked her to move out of the picture and 2) the fact that I thought I got a great deal at Old Navy for Jack's Halloween shirt ($2.50) only to realize that it must have been made for girls because it's a very fitted shirt! So, he only got to wear it for about an hour. Not such a good deal.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Test your stomach...

It may be too subtle, but on Austin's post on the octopi, there's a link to a You Tube video. If you are up for a treat, click on it. It puts Fear Factor to shame. I seriously had to look away so I didn't hurl. Check it out....if you dare.

I just don’t think that a person would do that

I told my daughter, Paige (6 yrs old), that I ate an octopus when I was in Florida. She would not believe me. I showed her a picture of the vat of octopi from the restaurant, thinking that would convince her that I was telling the truth. However, she pointed out that just because I had a picture did not mean that I actually ate an octopus. She wanted video. I offered her a chance to call someone who was there, but she insisted that she would not believe anyone. She said, “I just don’t think that a person would do that.” I even showed her a video that I found on YouTube of a man eating a live octopus (not sure I could do that.) But, Paige refuses to be convinced that her dad actually ate an octopus. It is just too weird for her. I guess next time I will have to take video.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

I'm A Big Boy Now!

Spencer gave me a birthday present about a week and a half after his birthday. He potty trained himself!! It was an absolute miracle...I was honestly to the point where I thought, "I'll just potty train Spencer and Jack together." We had never really even given it a serious attempt because our first goal was never reached: just trying to get him to even tell us when he would have a messy diaper. That was step #1 and he couldn't and wouldn't even do that! Then, one day, it just clicked for him and he's been wearing underwear ever since (even at nights and during naps)! That evening Spencer and I went out on a date. We got all ready and even put on cologne and perfume (he still reminds me that every time he sees's really cute.) We went to the dinosaur museum and then ate at the little cafe that they have there. We were pretty much the only people there and it was so nice to have free reign of the place! It was really good for us because as most of you know, Spencer and I have our ups and downs. He just doesn't stop, which is pretty typical for a boy, but it gets pretty exhausting and I can lose my patience with it. So, to have an evening with just the two of us with no time constraints was amazing. I felt like we really became friends that night. When we were walking into the museum I pretended like I was scared of the big dinosaur on the outside wall. I was holding him and he patted my back and stroked my hair and told me that he would protect me. It was so cute! Then while we were eating he kept offering me his dinner and wanting me to try a bite because it was "so so yummy." I asked him if he wanted a mandarine orange out of my salad and he said, "Yeah, sure!" He makes me laugh. We had a great time and ended the evening by going to Target and having him pick out his new big boy underwear (cars and spiderman) and I couldn't resist picking up a package of the little boxer cute are those?

Happy Birthday, Spencer!

I can't believe he's three! Although it seems like he's been in our family forever, I can't believe how quickly it's gone by. He absolutely had to have a baseball cake...he loves baseball, but I think he loves Craig even more. In fact, that may be why he loves baseball. He just adores his uncle and felt so special to be able to use his bowl and mug for his cake and ice cream! And once we noticed that they both had baseball shirts on, we just had to have a picture! I just asked him what he thinks about Craig and he said, "He my best fwend. I wuv him." He will sure be missed while he's gone! Spence, we're so lucky to have you as part of our family! You are such a sweet and funny boy! We love you!

Monday, October 15, 2007

Thanks Aunt Steph and Cousin Jenny!!!

This is what Spence-man got in the mail for his birthday from the Lynch's (Austin's sister and family). First of all, he was so excited to just get something in the mail. It could have been a head of broccoli and I think he would have been happy! When he saw it was a Mr. Incredible costume he started jumping up and down and within 5 seconds he was stripping his clothes off! Of course he wore it for the rest of the day and still wears it religiously! We had a knight costume all ready for him for Halloween, but this one may trump it! Thank you guys so much...he loves it!!

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

The call is in!!!

Craig, my little brother got his mission call today and he's going to the.....drum roll, please....Brazil Curitiba mission! He's going to the MTC in Sao Paulo, Brazil and will report there on Feb. 13, 2007. My older brother, Marc, was particularly excited since he also served in Brazil (Rio de Janeiro). Craig got what he was hoping for...somewhere where there are poverty stricken areas and where he can learn a new language. We know he'll do a great job! We are so excited for him and amazingly there weren't too many tears (I think my girls were too preoccupied with their cousins to really realize what was going on...probably a good thing)!

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

After church photo shoot

I can't look at this last picture without smiling! I love those little dimples in his eyebrows! I just have to take advantage of this age for's a very small window...when they are sitting up and not crawling. You can put them there and they don't move! I really have to go get some professional ones of him taken...if you talk to me in the next week, keep reminding me!

Monday, October 1, 2007

Jack's New Teeth

This ought to be interesting!

We informed the girls at FHE tonight that Craig (my little bro) may be getting his mission call this week and explained to them what that meant. You would have thought that we had just told them that he died. Hysterics. Paige couldn't even speak she was crying so hard and Kamae insisted that she talk to Craig to tell him that they will miss him. She was crying so hard he could hardly understand her. Then they made me cry. Holy moley. We're going to be a wreck on Wednesday and I can't even fathom what it will be like when it's actually time to say goodbye! This ought to be interesting!

Oh, I forgot to mention that when we first started talking about it, Paige immediately began crying. Kamae shot up from her FHE position (laying on the ground) and yelled with her finger pointing in the air, "Yeah, he won't be able to hit us anymore!!" And then she started crying.